
28 ago 2012

Silverton 6 Day Run 2012

The Silverton 6 Day Run is part of the Silverton Multi-Day Challenge and will be held on the same 1 mile loop as the 24, 48 & 72 hour runs. The event will be chip timed and each loop will have 250 feet of climb and descent. All six day runners will be automatic entrants into the 1000 mile Challenge or 1000 Mile Run. There will be no additional cost to continue on in the 1000 Mile events
but the amenities and aid will drastically change at the conclusion of the 6 Day event. At the end of the six day event, you will have the option to continue on with one of the 1000 mile events or to stop and be content with your current distance. Note, though, that you will only be able to continue
on with the 1000 Mile Challenge, or the 1000 Mile Run if you have accumulated a minimum of 350 miles. You will only be able continue on with the Challenge if you have run at least one mile each and every hour for the past six days, as well. We'll be keeping track!


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